
Hotel Kakola – Environmental policy

Environmental issues and sustainable development are an important part of hotel operations today. Hotel Kakola wants to be known as a pioneer of sustainable development and an environmentally friendly operator.

Environmental issues and responsibility have already been taken into account in the hotel’s design. The buildings’s old structures and logs have been renovated for reuse and for example sound insulation is taken care of with the help of domestic peat boards. In the producerement of machines and equipment, energy effiency has played a decisive role in the selection situation.

All hotel rooms have a domestic carbonation device that turns the world’s best tap water into sparkling one. Energy-consuming minibars were mainly left out already in the design phase.

Disposable containers are only used for take-away products and they are also made of biodegradable materials.

The core of our restaurant business is pure Finnish food from local producers. Monitoring and reducing waste is part of the daily routine.

We know our responsibility and the values of sustainable development are part of our DNA. Our hotel has an environmental manager and sustainable development issues are part of our orientation and every team meeting. We keep our skills and knowledge up to date by organizing regular environmental training.

We strive to transfer our values to our guests as well to guide them towards more sustainable consumption, e.g. enabling recycling in our rooms and providing guidance on energy saving and ecological movement.

Environmental and social responsibility are important values for us and therefore Hotel Kakola also wants to promote consideration of environmental issues and sustainable development. We are committed to complying with environmental laws and reducing the environmental burden. This is something we expect also from all our partners and stakeholders.

Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact and continuously improve our operations.

Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact and continuously improve our operations. We are committed to monitoring and developing environmental issues. Hotel Kakola has Green Key membership and the Sustainable Travel Finland sertificate admitted by Visit Finland. Green Key jäsenyys sekä Visit Finlandin myöntämä Sustainable Travel Finland -merkki.



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